
第二次世界大戰,英國憑藉什麼「保持冷靜,繼續前行」(Keep Calm and Carry On)?硝煙剛剛散去,為什麼這個國家就對曾經出生入死的戰友除之而後快?那些被拆散的家庭,一夜之間失去丈夫的妻子,被送入孤兒院的孩子,忍受了何等痛苦,骨肉分離,含恨離世?英國政府為何至今不肯正式道歉?造成了無數人間悲劇的種族主義惡魔今天又如何為禍世間?


CGTN digs into a dark chapter of the UK’s wartime history, where racial prejudice in some of the highest echelons of government resulted in broken families, lost heritage and a fight to make British authorities apologise for a shameful past.



Heroic sailors braved the stormy seas and battlefronts of the North Atlantic to keep Allied forces supplied during the Second World War, defying U-boats and freezing weather to bring them food and other materials.

More than one in seven of the men risking their lives in those supply convoys were Chinese, recruited by the British government who said they were ‘making history under fire’.

The seamen made new lives in Liverpool, a port city with a proud seafaring past and home to Europe’s oldest Chinatown. Many of them married British women and had children, often returning to sea to bolster the Allied wartime effort.



But once the war ended and British forces returned home triumphant, the Chinese sailors who were such a vital part of their victory were betrayed.

The government forcibly repatriated thousands of them, rounding them up from their homes, lodging houses, mahjong parlours, chip shops and bars, and forcing them on ships.

Hundreds of men vanished overnight, leaving behind wives, partners and children without any explanation of where they had gone and why.

CGTN speaks to sons, daughters and grandchildren of the sailors, whose families were torn apart and often left destitute after the Chinese seafarers disappeared.


Some of their wives – who lost their British nationality as soon as they married an ‘alien’ – never recovered from the shock, while others were forced to give up their children for adoption or social care.

Many families were left struggling with feelings of pain and anger, led to believe that they had been wilfully abandoned.

Many in their late seventies and eighties feel they have little time left to get the answers they are owed, and hope speaking now will increase pressure on the government to respond.



CGTN speaks to the people who would like simple answers for what happened to their Chinese fathers and grandfathers, with cautious hope of reconnecting with any relatives who may exist.





This film highlights how racism can have a multigenerational legacy of pain and injustice. As UK member of parliament, Sarah Owen told Jamie Owen, racism doesn’t just go away. “Racism against Chinese and East Asians reared its ugly head again during the past two years with COVID.” She reminds us that work still needs to be done to make sure that future generations are not subject to the same racism that the older generations have been.

紀錄片《隱秘的背叛》於2022年12月16日在CGTN英語、法語、西班牙語、阿拉伯語、俄語各電視頻道播出,在CGTN網站及各社交平台同步推出。如有線索,請致信[email protected],我們將努力幫助中國海員後人尋找在國內的親人。願逝者安息,願離散的家庭再相聚,願種族主義的惡魔不再侵蝕下一代的心靈。

This is a story of a 70-year shame that the British government has only recently acknowledged, but has failed to apologise for. It’s also about family – and a broken community’s fight to reclaim histories and identities that were robbed from them.

Families of the repatriated sailors hope that people seeing the documentary may know something about what happened to their missing men.